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Deal Categories: Pre Workout Products and Featured.Stores: Supplement Hunt.

WHAT A CRAZY DEAL! Supplement Hunt has 2 cases of the ProSupps Mr.HYDE Energy Shots for $11.99 down from $50! These sell for $25 per case anywhere else!

  • This is the best total price we saw by $16.
  • Use coupon hydeshot24 during checkout.
  • Great for energy on the go, doesn’t require cooling or space. Great BANG alternative on the cheap!
  • 0 calories, 400mg of caffeine for energy and focus, N-Acetyl Tyrosine for enhanced cognition and focus.
  • This is obviously a CRAZY price!
  • Shipping is flat rate in the USA, so take advantage & stock up (even with shipping you are looking at $1 per shot if you grab only 2 cases].*
Strongest Energy Drink Ever? | ProSupps HYDE Energy Shots Review (+ Crazy Deal)

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